What are the 4 C s of digital marketing?

What are the 4 C s of digital marketing?

4c approach

We meet with you to get to know your market and environment. The development of a communication strategy must understand the philosophy of the business model, in order to transmit it to your potential customers.

Currently, new technologies are gaining prominence in the field of communication. Of course, the digital era is a reality, so you have to be prepared for it. However, the consumer is still present offline in stores, reads magazines, receives advertising on paper or listens to the radio, among other media. The relevance of this fact makes it necessary to combine online marketing actions with offline marketing.

Marketing models

Before developing the steps that define the structure of a digital marketing plan, you must be comfortable with your company’s online domain, your objective, the channels in which it should be present and who your competitors are and what they do.

We need to be familiar with the ecosystem in which we operate, the needs of our customers and the needs we satisfy. This analysis is equally qualitative, as it is quantitative through observation of factors such as digital habits, intermediaries, influencers and more.

We also need to conduct an internal study to find out how our company is doing in the digital age: is our website customer-facing? What is the UX and browsing experience like? Do we update our blog periodically? What is the current positioning of our website? And what is the social media presence?

Once you have your place in the market and your strengths in mind, work on setting some goals to get a clear idea of where your actions should take you. Everything you plan has to work towards those goals.

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4 cs of marketing

Professor of the School of Strategic Communication and Advertising. Social Communication and Journalism Program. Line of specialization in Information and Communication Technologies. Leader of the media platform and broadcaster (MediaLab) Concéntrika ACN – Central News Agency.

Responsible for leading the online strategy of the casual food segment for the Archie’s brand in digital media and social networks (website, blog, e-commerce, email marketing, organic SEO positioning and SEM display advertising).

ACN Central News Agency is a space to disseminate the academic production that integrates theory and practice in journalism of the students of the Social Communication and Journalism program at Universidad Central.

Marketing mix para la próxima generación de marketing

dc.source.bibliographicCitationBart, Y., Stephen, A. T., & Sarvary, M. (2014). ¿Qué productos se adaptan mejor a la publicidad móvil? A Field Study of Mobile Display Advertising Effects on Consumer Attitudes and Intentions. Journal of Marketing Research (JMR), 51(3), 270-285. https://doi.org/10.1509/jmr.13.0503

dc.source.bibliographicCitationBerger, J. (2014). El boca a boca y la comunicación interpersonal: Una revisión y direcciones para la investigación futura. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 24(4), 586-607. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcps.2014.05.002

dc.source.bibliographicCitationDanaher, P., Smith, M., Ranasinhe, K., & Danaher, T. (2015). Dónde, cuándo y cuánto tiempo: Factores que influyen en el canje de cupones para teléfonos móviles. Journal of Marketing Research, 52(5), 710. https://doi.org/10.1509/jmr.13.0341

dc.source.bibliographicCitationFong, N. M., Fang, Z., & Luo, X. (2015). Geo-Conquesting: Competitive Locational Targeting of Mobile Promotions. Journal of Marketing Research (JMR), 52(5), 726-735. https://doi.org/10.1509/jmr.14.0229


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